Sunday, December 15, 2013



Assalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakaatuhu,

In the Name of Allah, the Supremely Merciful, the Most Kind.

May endless divine peace and blessing be upon or master, the beloved of Allah, the most honored of all creation, the Prophet Muhammad, and also his pure family, noble companions and wives.

It came to my attention recently the actual reasons why modernist movements show envy for Tasawwuf and the Sufis. Many things came to my mind as to why they preach against this essential science of Islam. So this blog, insha Allah, will be used in order to bring to attention the flaws of Ahlu Tasawwuf and how we can improve ourselves. This isn't a blog for argumentation, but for tough love. I ask Allah that only good comes out of this. Amin.

(When I say, "we", I don't consider myself from amongst the pious and righteous, I am simply referring to the, hopefully, adherents of the science.)

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