Monday, December 16, 2013

Part I: Introduction to Tasawwuf

What is Tasawwuf exactly?

Sufism, also known as in traditional terms, Tasawwuf, is a science within the sciences of Islam. The word “Sufism” is an innovated term that replaced the word “Tasawwuf” in the modern day. That being said, I will use the word “Tasawwuf” instead, and the adherents of this science, “Sufis”.

Usually at the mentioning of the Sufis, people like to jump out of their seat and have their mind automatically process deviant thoughts about these people. However, the reality of the Sufis is foreign to us due to modern innovative movements. The Sufis have been present within the Ummah of Islam since the 2nd Century of Islam.

Imam Malik says, “He who practices Sufism without learning Sacred Law corrupts his faith, while he who leans Sacred Law without practicing Sufism corrupts himself. Only he who combines the two proves true. (Iqaz al-Himam fi Sharh al-Hikam, 5-6 from The Reliance of the Traveller, w9.3, 862)”

Whoever calls them self a Sufi is not Sufi. Sufis are Sunnis. The Sufis put an emphasis on Tasawwuf which dwells into the science of Ihsan and practice it extensively as mentioned in the the Gabriel Hadith (Prophetic tradition)  when the Angel Gabriel asked the Messenger of Allah, salla Allahu Alayhi wa sallam, "What is Ihsan (perfection)?" And Allah's Apostle replied, "To worship Allah as if you see Him, and if you cannot achieve this state of devotion then you must consider that He is looking at you." (Sahih al-Bukhari, 1:2:48) The Sufis are the defenders of the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad Salla Allahu Alayhi wa Sallam. Sufism, or Tasawwuf (proper term), is not a 'sect', it's an essential science of Islam. The Sufis follow the Salaf in the true sense.

The Sufis since have been present since the time of Salaf, and much of the contribution of invitation to Islam has been by them. They have defended the multiple sciences such as theology, jurisprudence and Islamic Law against many deviant innovating groups. They are the defenders of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaa’ah. Who ever has an ill understanding of the People of Tasawwuf should spend time with them and learn from them.

  1. There is a confusion as to what Tasawwuf is; many people define it as it being “a spiritual and mystical sect of Islam.” This understanding is innovating and does a disservice to this science.
    1. Tasawwuf/Sufism is not a “sect” per se, rather it is a science within the multiple sciences of Islam that is needed for us to learn in order for us to be established in faith fully.
    1. It is specifically rooted from Ihsan.
  2. “Spirituality” and “mysticism” is misleading to many people. It seems as though it’s a hippy way of practicing Islam and it requires light dedication.
    1. Spirituality cannot be attained by any individual except that they fulfill the requirements of studying and staying firm in theology, studying and practicing Fiqh or jurisprudence, and finally, understanding how to deal with certain issues within society according to Islamic Law.
    2. Being “spiritual” is not an easy way of life. As I tend to look at it, spirituality in Islam requires a focused mind, sound heart, and firm hand. You’re always striving to learn and improve on a daily basis.
    3. Tasawwuf is not learnt by books, rather it is something that must be experienced with a scholar who has a chain of transmission back to the Prophet Muhammad Salla Allahu Alayhi wa Sallam in order to understand.


  1. Asalaamualaykum thank you jzk for the explaintion. i always knew sufiism wasn't an actual sect of islam but many, many people think that it is. I did not know that the actual, proper term was tasawwuf. there are so many misunderstandings these days. Thanks for clearifying it and breaking it down the way you did.

    1. No problem! There are people who can do a better job at clarifying it, but thank you.
