Saturday, March 1, 2014

Shaykh Hamza Yūsuf's Commentary on Wird al-Latīf by Imām al-Haddād


The following video is of Shaykh Hamza Yūsuf's commentary on the compilation of Prophetic invocations, derived from authenticated hadīth, which was compiled by the recognized mujjadid of the 11th century AH, Imām 'Abdullāh ibn Alawī al-Haddād, the Shafi'ī - Ash'arī scholar of the blessed city of Tarīm in Ḥadramawt, Yemen. Imām al-Haddād labeled this compilation, "Al-Wird Al-Latīf." It is encouraged to be read at least once a day during the time of the morning prayer (Fajr) or the evening prayer prayer (Maghrib), but highly recommended to be read twice a day, once during the time of both. Traditionally, since the compilation of these prayers, the students of Imām al-Haddād for generations have recited al-Wird al-Latīf during the morning prayers and another well known compilation of authentic invocations - also compiled by Imām al-Haddād - called Rātib al-Haddād, during the evening prayers since certain prayers are prescribed for only specific timings. Nonetheless, there is no harm is reciting al-Wird al-Latīf during both timings or even Rātib al-Haddād.

If you do not have either of these books, click which one you want you'll be directed to a PDF that you can save.

Al-Wird Al-Latīf

Rātib al-Haddād

A beautiful excerpt from the talk...

"People are in need of the Prophetic du’ā’s now, more than ever, because there are shayateen everywhere. If we could see the unseen world, I’m telling you, we would all pass out. Because there are demons all over the place. What you’re doing whilst reciting invocations and litanies is creating a space around you, that if the Jinn and shaytaan see it, they have to back away. If you are consistent with this (Wird al Latif), I guarantee you will see a difference in your life. And if you miss it out you’ll feel horrible during the day – it’ll feel like going outside without brushing your teeth. Put yourself in the protection of Allāh through daily du’ā."

— Shaykh Hamza Yūsuf

May Allah bless and reward the brother who published this, the brother who shared the PDF, Imām al-Haddād for compiling it, and of course, the Prophet Muhammad Salla Allahu Alayhi wa Sallam for teaching it to us.

All praises due to Allah. Al-Fatiha.


  1. assalaamu alaikum, any way to fix the pdf links? both don't seem to be working. jzk.

  2. Get the pdfs from


  3. I try to recite it every day on this app on my phone.
    One time I missed it and my phone smashed
