Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Use Your Head and Criticize!

Assalamu Alaykum,


It has come to my attention that people are assuming I am trying to give fatawa and trying to "teach" people which absolutely not true. It is not true that I am trying educate people on religious matters. I do not claim to have any authority, nor have I ever implied so. I have some thoughts that uplift me and motivate me to continue living life as was commanded by Allah and His Prophet. Indeed, there are articles on this blog that I copy/pasted with giving credit to the original author/writer. If I did not give credit, then it was from my own thoughts. If it was not from my own thoughts, it was transmitted to me personally by scholars' wisdom that allowed me to open doors of thinking and I have not mentioned them by name. 

The reasons why I share my own words instead of only sharing their words:

1. I am well aware and admit fallibility to my insights, as is certain for everyone else's insights, so I am more open to receiving criticism. In fact, I want people to comment and critique me for any blameworthy thoughts I may have. I want to connect with people and I want people to connect to me.

2. Since I have more respect towards the thoughts and spiritual insights of the scholars, I would be more cautious when sharing their teachings since I do not want people to criticize those who I respect dearly, simply by misinterpreting what they said.

As, Hazrat Pīr Qalandar Tabrizi says, "Mureeds, please to refrain." Perhaps I am the one needed of this weighty saying the most, perhaps those who I intended to be sincere critics should not always assume the worst.

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