Thursday, March 27, 2014

10 Years Ago

This day 10 years ago, my paternal grandfather, Dhāfer bin Zayn al-Ābidīn Mohiuddīn, grandson of Sayyiduna Al-‘Abbās, returned to his Lord. He passed away at 90 years of age. He faced real difficulties his entire life which are incomparable to those I've seen in the Western world, even when I was living in Southfield. He lived a life of severe impoverishment during his younger age, being dirt poor and not eating for a matter of days at times. He worked so hard throughout his years and became one of the most successful engineers of the company he worked for in Hyderabad, India. I heard breathtaking stories of his life that I still have not completely absorbed yet. All of his siblings died or were killed at a young age - my paternal grandmother, his second wife, was in the same exact situation. He is an inspiration to me because regardless of his extremely psychologically damaging experiences, he was always a patient, well mannered, loving man to all people - even those who would yell at him. My struggles are almost nothing compared to his. Subhān Allāh. To me, he was a scholar of struggle, just as I see some of my uncles. And this struggle impacted his entire family and I still sense it in the presence of his children. May his adab and akhlāq be an intercessor for the needed matters of dīn he fell short of. May Allah lighten and fragrance his grave, forgive him for all his sins, and give him the highest level of Paradise with the Prophet peace be upon him.

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